Sepatut nye post ni di update pada malam hari khamis , tp akibat ke-bz-an melanda ketika itu, baru skg ade mase na buat
haaa cite nye begini .... untuk subjek
Academic Reading and Writing, final project kitorg kene buat Choral speaking .... alhamdulillah from the beginning we have chosen a topic that is suitable for all of us .. and that is
MUSIC ....

aku igt lagi dlu, first time nye klas, aku na msok group korg cm takot gile after korg cakap "nak lg sorang" .... perghhh mmg sepantas kilat aku menawar diri utk join skali , padahal masing2 x knal lg sape aku kann ... hehe

but overall since da kenal korang, its like aku da kenal lame dah, sume nye satu kepala, sume nye baek2, ok2 belake ..... thx coz being my new friends for this semester .. but anyway aku x pena menyesal dpt member cm korang, group cm korg , coz sume nye beri kerjasama spaye team kite jadi gempak kan? haa suke makk uolsss.... hahah
I will never forget what we have been through together during the process of our achievement for the choral speaking project ...... let this semester be our moments that we will never forget :) sayang korang semua <3
Btw : rase nyesal plak kite x record video kite perform kan? haishhhhh x pe la.. simpan semua itu dlm memori minda kita :)
best kan masuk choral speaking hehehe :)
waah.. cam best jek! xpenah pown try join aktvt nie.. hehe :)
mmg best pon .. ni cume pertandingan dlm klas je.... so yeah i think group ktorg lah yg menang pfftt :P
aku dulu last choral speaking masa sekolah menengah.
haha aku plak time kolej kene buat ... da la x penah ade experience .. but sebaik yg laen ade experience
Wahh choral speaking. Bestnya.
Rindu plak zaman sekolah :)
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