haa dah tgk video atas ni? before aku mula kan post aku .. aku nak share statement yg ditulis dari tuan kpd video ni
(KFC worker fight with customer in I-City...the customer were waited for more than 1 hour but when comes to his turn, there is NO MORE fried chicken for him... the customer request the management to apologize but the useless Store Manager doing nothing instead the worker shouted at customer - "kalau mau makan, buat sendiri lah BABI.." )
ok thats the first statement.... statement kedua plak dtg dari customer juga ada kt sane bace bwh ni ..
"I was there..and yes..we wait for 1 hour..yes the service is slow..because tak cukup staff..and orang pun sangat ramai...kebanyakkan staff dah penat..non stop working..actually ayam tu bukan dah abis..masih tgh masak and that chinese guy dont want to wait again..and start maki2...then keluar...mybe tak puas hati dia masuk balik..and shouting at KFC workers and start maki2 again....
orait da bace statement2 atas ni? haaa so just want to be clear laa kan x mo ade yg igt aku sokong ni aku sokong tu.... cume bg pendapat aku after da tgk video ni kan
aku dlu penah juga keje ngn fast-food... bhgian customer service... if keje bahagian customer service first thing ko akan taw bhwa ko akan hadap dgn customer yg mcm2 karenah, yg asek demand x henti2, customer yg angry bird! dan macam2 pe'el lagi yg same waktu dgn nya..
so if kau da tahu ko akan hadapi semua tu..... ape yg patot kau buat bile keje sbg customer service? sifat SABAR tu kne tinggi sampai langit ke-7 .. itu yang paling penting sekali bila kau da amek jawatan dalam customer service!
because why? dalam perniagaan selalu remind staff die bahawa "the customer is always right"
so dlm hal ni kalau aku bace statement yg pertama tu aku nak highlight sket je "the customer were waited for more than 1 hour but when comes to his turn, there is NO MORE fried chicken for him... the customer request the management to apologize but the useless Store Manager doing nothing "
bagi aku la kan si store manager tu kalau nak cool down kan keadaan die kne la mintak maaf and atleast ganti balek dgn menu lain spaye customer tu rase puas aty and x kan complain lagi btol x? haaa tapi die wt dunnow, and tak buat ape2 .... then anak2 buah die marah sampai angkat kasi lepuk customer ..... patutkah bnde tu berlaku? msti la tidak....
standad la kalau da balas ngn mulut kt staff yg penat keje, cnfrm staff akan marah naek baran... aku pon cmtu gk baran tu msti akan datang ... tp x perlu laa kau g pukul customer tu.... kawal la kesabaran kalau nak kerja bahagian cutomer servis ok bro?
orait statement seterus nya .... aku pon copy dari fb kfc malaysia..... statement ni dtg dari salah sorg customer yg ada time situasi tu berlaku meh kite bace balek
"I was there..and yes..we wait for 1 hour..yes the service is slow..because tak cukup staff..and orang pun sangat ramai...kebanyakkan staff dah penat..non stop working..actually ayam tu bukan dah abis..masih tgh masak and that chinese guy dont want to wait again..and start maki2...then keluar...mybe tak puas hati dia masuk balik..and shouting at KFC workers and start maki2 again....
ok dlm statement ni plak ape yg aku na highlight kan kate nye ayam still ada , cume tgh masak ... and the chinese guy x leh nak tggu die nye turn sbb lame sgt kan .... dah x leh tahan tggu die g maki2 staff kfc tu, then staff tu mule attack balek ...
bg aku la kan dalam statement ni plak, customer tu x leh la wt cmtu kan..... x psl2 nak maki kan?? padahal ayam ade lagi haiyaaa, manager time ni kne la maen peranan spaye keadaan dpt terkawal ... ni tak , manager pon x men peranan die... bile staff customer service kne cmtu dorg maki balek and serang customer yg degil ni....
tak kire la mcm mane skalipun situasi cmni berlaku kt fast food mane2, bagi aku staff2 x perlu maki balek and pukul customer.... kne igt sbb korg kje bhgian customer service, and like i said korang akan tempuhi macam2 perangai customer. so better just duk diam and jalankan tugas korang cm biasa, hiraukan customer mcm tu , bile ada customer cmtu dtg lg panggil manager or salah sorg drpd staff korg spaye dapat kawal keadaan agar jd tenang...* maybe aku ckp sng tp aku ckp ni pon sbb aku penah keje ngn customer servis dkt salah satu fast food in shah alam juga ok! :)
so dlm post aku ni, wallahualam x tahu mana satu cite sebenar tapi aku just tulis berdasarkan ngn statement2 yg telah diberikan....
and its my opinion to share with all of you .... tak salah kan nak share opinion? hehe
so to all staff of customer service kene igt "Customer is always right" .. dah tahu jawatan tu pangkat customer service korang kne ade satu weapon yg paling ohsem and that is KESABARAN YANG TINGGI ....... kpd customer pula kalau x puas aty bole bwk bicara dgn elok2 x perlu marah2 ok? gentle laa kalau buat cara baek, bnde akan setel baek punya lah ok?...
sekian dari saya
1 comment:
penat siod keja fast food ni, I dulu keje burger king sehari benti patah pnggang bediri haha
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